Offline License Installation Procedure
Maxback VSS Writer will be automatically activated if the VSS Writer instance can connect the dbosoft license server. If your host cannot connect to the Internet or the activation fails for other reasons you can manually request a license.
Generate instance key
Request a license key
Install the license file
1. Generate instance key
Each license is bound to the writer instance. To request a valid license you have to provide the unique key of the writer instance.
Call the commandline client from a elevated command prompt:
maxback.vssclient getkey
Copy the entire command response as text for the next step.
2. Request a license key
Send the instance key to together with your customer number to request a license.
3. Install the license file
The support will provide you a license file. To install the license call the commandline client from a elevated command prompt:
maxback.vssclient instlicense